Chapter 3, Part 4

After Mare left, the Cardinals exited the audience chamber, went down the stairs into the underground wing of the Cathedral, and made their way to the innermost part of the catacombs. They entered the room next to the one with the statues of the Six Great Gods.

“How did it go?” Pontifex Maximus asked.

“It went very well,” Ginedine smiled.

“Ginedine, explain yourself! How could you agree to send Zesshi to their lair?” Raymond’s face was quite red by now.

“You what?!” The Grand Marshal yelled.

“Calm down, do you think I would do something like that without a plan?” Ginedine took his seat beside the table. “I am sorry for not consulting you first, but the idea came to me during the meeting, and I had to act on the spot or miss the opportunity,” he added.

“Go on,” Pontifex Maximus nodded.

“One of the issues we have when it comes to destroying the Sorcerer Kingdom is that they are not actually based in E-Rantel. Their base is this so called Great Tomb of Nazarick,” Ginedine begun to explain.

They had learned this information thanks to the Clearwater Scripture which spent some time in the Baharuth Empire gathering information. Although, according to the drunken tales of the soldiers that accompanied Jircniv on his visit, it was less of a tomb and more of its own world. The question of how to even attempt an attack on such a place had been gnawing at them for a while.

“You all know the difficulties attacking such a place presents. Going in blind, we can only rely on superior firepower. But who among us can claim that we possess such superiority?” Ginedine scanned the room, but everyone remained silent.

“But what if we could get our forces inside? Not just that, we would also make the first strike,” he grinned at the others.

“I see, so you are saying this alliance force you said we’d gather would actually be the strike force against the Sorcerer Kingdom?” Berenice guessed.

“Exactly. They would not only welcome our forces inside, but would leave us be until they found Jaldabaoth’s location. Allowing us to strike first,” Ginedine nodded.

“Still, it’s a risky plan,” Raymond retorted.

“Do you have anything better? If we have to fight our way in and through that place, it would be suicidal. Not to mention getting allies stupid enough to do it would be impossible,” Ginedine stood his ground.

“Allies? You were serious about that?” Dominic couldn’t help to ask.

“Yes, we aren’t the only ones who hate the undead. Surely, with a good attack plan we could find others to join forces with us,” Ginedine responded.

“Hmm, your plan is certainly much more appealing than a suicidal rush at their defenses. But, what will happen if our forces are defeated?” The head of the Executive branch asked.

“We will have to use it,” Ginedine sighed.

“Are you serious? You know what will happen if we use that thing?” The Grand Marshal bellowed.

“If our forces get wiped out, we will be next, along with the rest of humanity. But we also can’t sit still and let this monster take over the world. Unlike the Greed Kings, his subordinates seem very loyal, and being an undead he won’t die from old age. Right now, while Ainz is dead, is our best chance to destroy them. If we miss this opportunity, will we even have another? And if no, will you use it then or will you submit to the will of the undead sorcerer?” Ginedine looked around the room.

After no one answered, he leaned back in his chair and relaxed. The room stayed silent for some time. The Pontifex Maximus finally spoke.

“Ginedine is right, we cannot squander this golden opportunity. His plan solves at least one of the issues that we had – how to get our forces inside the Tomb.”

“I suppose we still have nearly two years to perfect your plan,” Raymond looked at Ginedine.

“By the way, was it wise to show them that sword?” The head of the Research Institute asked.

“Because of Zesshi’s attack, our hand had been forced. If we didn’t show at least one such item, Mare would know we were deceiving her,” Dominic explained.

“It couldn’t be helped. Of course, it might also serve as a warning to them, that we have powerful items at our disposal,” Raymond added.

“Then with that out of the way, let us discuss potential allies,” Pontifex Maximus returned to the main topic.


After they returned home, Mare was going to go into his room and take a nap, but he turned to face Liel as if he recalled something.

“You wanted to talk to me about, about Elia?” Mare scratched his head trying to remember.

“Ah, yes, yes Mare-sama. Could you tell me how she had come into your service?”

“Umu, she was one of the slaves of some stupid worker who tried to invade my master’s home. Normally, such invaders would be killed, but she was forced to go along. The merciful Ainz-sama allowed her and the other two elves to serve us,” Mare shrugged. “Why do you ask?”

“Elia is, is my sister. I had been searching for her but to no avail. Oh, Mare-sama, I am so grateful to you and your master for providing a home for my sister,” Liel kowtowed, tears streaming from her face.

“I see,” Mare replied looking at the kneeling slave.

“There is something else, Mare-sama,” Liel said. “For the kindness you had shown my sister, I want to come into your service and swear loyalty to you. I also have some important information.”

“Um, go on,” Mare said.

“I, I had betrayed you, master. I am actually a spy for the Elven Kingdom, sent to the Slane Theocracy to spy on them from within. I had reported about you to the Elf King,” Liel’s face was full of regret.

“So?” Mare wasn’t sure what the big deal was.

“The Elf King wishes to create strong offspring,” Liel said.

“Mm, that’s why he kidnapped Zesshi’s mother, I see. But what does that have to do with me?”

“Well, you see, I.. I, thought you were, um, were, a girl.”

“Why would you think that?”

Liel had to look at the dark elf to make sure he wasn’t joking. But Mare appeared to be serious.

“The, the skirt, and, and your mannerism…” she was speechless. Surely the dark elf himself should know these points.

“Ah, that’s just how I was created,” Mare spoke nonchalantly. “Wait, what, what’s wrong with my ma mannerism?” He stuttered confused.

Liel stared at the dark elf dumbfounded. She didn’t know how to respond to such a question. After clearing her throat, she continued.

“Ahem. And because I reported that you were a powerful girl, the king will no doubt attack your convoy and kidnap you,” Liel explained the situation.

“Have you been given any instructions by the Elf King?” Mare asked.

“I was told to [Message] him when you leave the capital. If I don’t contact him, we can escape before he realizes my betrayal,” Liel continued.

“Mm, that wouldn’t be good. I, I’ll go take a nap, we’ll talk later,” Mare began to walked toward his bedroom.

“Mare-sama, please wait,” she called out, tears streaming from her face.

Mare turned around and gave her a questioning look.

“I wish to ask for your benevolence,” she once again kowtowed.

“Um, what, what do you want?” Mare asked.

“I beg you to take me with you, so I may serve you,” she said. “And, although this is too much to ask, I beg you to save my parents before they are killed as punishment for my betrayal,” she pressed her forehead into the floor.

“Do you know where your parents are?”

“Yes, I had communicated with them via [Message], they are both in the Elven Kingdom.”

“Hmm, I will consider it,” Mare replied before disappearing into his bedroom.


Inside his bedroom Mare sat in a chair and waited. He was thinking about the information Liel told him, and matching it with the information the Hanzos had obtained earlier.

No doubt, this is the plan the Cardinals had hatched up for me, Mare smiled. But, they probably wouldn’t let me get kidnapped on their territory, after all, making sure I am safe on their land is their responsibility. Although, the Elf King sounds impulsive enough to attack anywhere, it’s obvious the Cardinals are hoping the attack will take place after I leave their nation.

At this point he noticed some movement in a nearby shadow.

“Report,” he ordered.

“Yes, Mare-sama. We have followed the Cardinals and listened in on their meeting,” Hanzo reported after emerging from a shadow.

“What of the treasury? Were you able to get in?”

“Unfortunately no, it was too risky.”

“It can’t be helped then, keep up your watch of the treasury. Now, what did the Cardinals discuss?”


Ainz and Nabe stayed in their room, waiting patiently. They would leave Krozno in the evening and capture the minotaur. The night would provide them with extra cover, while it didn’t impede Ainz’s or Nabe’s vision. Sitting in a chair, Ainz was going through various possibilities of what they would face.

“Ainz-sama,” he suddenly heard Mare’s voice in his mind.

“Oh, what is it Mare?” He responded to the [Message]

“I have obtained some interesting information and wanted to ask you for the best course of a.. action. But first, I will e.. explain the general situation,” Mare said.

Ainz listened to Mare with a smile on his face.

Yes, the Theocracy is stupid enough to take my bait, Ainz felt happy. As an all knowing being the fact that no one attacked the Sorcerer Kingdom even several months after his fake death was a big blow to his image.

Since he claimed that the reason for his fake death was to embolden their enemies. If no such enemies came, it could only mean that he had miscalculated. In the eyes of the guardians, Ainz Ooal Gown could not miscalculate. He felt gratitude toward the Slane Theocracy from the bottom of his heart for playing the role of the enemy he so desperately needed.

Mare told him about Liel and her sister Elia as well as the Elf King’s plan. Ainz felt a headache coming. He could already see how Demiurge would take the news that one of the elven slaves, who he allowed to serve the dark elf twins, played such a key role.

No doubt he will imagine that I had already foreseen this course of action when he had only shared his plan to test Nazarick’s defenses using workers. Ainz shook his head in dismay. Demiurge was just too enthusiastic when it came to Ainz’s plans.

“So, why does the Elf King want to kidnap you?” Ainz asked.

“He wants to create powerful offspring and is searching for a strong female.”

“What does that have to do with you?” Ainz was confused.

For a while he was speechless after Mare’s explanation.

Bukubukuchagama-san, what would you say if you knew of this? He couldn’t help but lament.

“Then, Ainz-sama, what should I do?”

“Hmm, I agree, the Theocracy wouldn’t want for you to get kidnapped on their territory, they will likely send a strong convoy to escort you,” Ainz contemplated the best way to go about Mare’s situation.

“I guess, you’ll have to act as bait,” he made a decision. “Have this Liel [Message] the Elf King and tell him that your path inside the Theocracy is unclear, but that after you leave the city of Kircha, on the border of the Theocracy, you will travel straight to E-Rantel.”

“Then what should I do once the king attacks?”

“Get kidnapped. The Hanzos will follow you and they can [Message] Shalltear in case you need help. Also, I will tell Aura exchange her World item with yours. Contact Aura and have her come to you via [Gate],” Ainz instructed.

“Yes, Ainz-sama.”

“You can defend yourself if the Elf King tries anything funny, though it would be more beneficial to us if he took you back to his kingdom,” Ainz smirked. Mare truly is the best trap, he thought

“I, I will do my best,” Mare replied.

“I am counting on you,” Ainz smiled and ended the [Message]

Ainz turned to Nabe.

“Nabe, contact Shalltear and ask her to [Message] me,” he ordered.

She bowed and contacted the vampire. A short while later an excited voice resounded in his mind.

“Yes, Ainz-sama?”

“There are two things I want to tell you. First, as planned in a few hours we will begin our attack on the minotaur. There is a high chance that we’ll need the help of your squad. Nabe will contact you when we are about to strike.”

“Yes, Ainz-sama.”

“Second, Mare will need your help too, though not until he leaves the Theocracy two days from now. Also, tell Aura to contact Mare. I want her to exchange her World Item for Mare’s, since Avarice and Generosity is too flashy of an item for when Mare gets kidnapped.”

“Mare is going to get kidnapped?” Shalltear asked shocked.

“Kind of. It’s fine Shalltear, everything is going according to my plan.”

“Oh, as expected of the leader of the Supreme Beings,” she praised her master before ending the [Message].


A few hours later Momon and Nabe exited their place and made their way to a wall. They scaled it and moved away from the city under the darkness of the night sky. Ainz thought doing it this way would make things harder for whoever was spying on them.

Guided by the Hanzos they quickly arrived at their destination. One of the Hanzos left to get an update and returned a couple minutes later.

“The situation is unchanged, Ainz-sama,” Hanzo reported. “The minotaur is in the central tent.”

“Nabe, contact Shalltear, tell her to be ready, we are about to strike,” Ainz addressed Nabe after nodding to Hanzo.

Half a minute later Nabe spoke.

“Lady Shalltear is ready to come to our aid at a moment’s notice.”

“Then, we will attack,” Ainz said. “Hanzos, you can engage if the need arises. Nabe, you can go all out if you need to,” he added.

Under the night’s sky, they launched their attack. Momon moved like lightning as he cut down the sentries before they could sound an alarm. With the sentries dead, they entered the camp. Nabe cast [Electrosphere] at the two tents housing the other beastmen. Meanwhile, Momon approached the central tent and entered. There was no one inside.

“Eh?” Ainz couldn’t hold back the question in his mind. However, before he could wonder any further he heard a voice from the outside.

“Momon-san, he’s behind the tent!” Nabe yelled.

He exited and saw a strange scene. Nabe was levitating about four meters high using [Fly] which allowed her to spot the minotaur. However, he didn’t flee, instead using this distraction to attack. Currently the minotaur was flying through the air, his axe on its way to slashing Nabe.

However, the axe cut nothing but air, and Nabe appeared next to Momon.

“[Teleport] huh? That’s why I hate fighting magic casters,” the minotaur said after landing, a look of displeasure on his face.

“I, Momon, will be your opponent,” Ainz declared.

He lunged forward with a swing, the minotaur blocked it with his axe and countered. In a flash, they exchanged several blows before backing off.

“Not bad,” Ainz commented.

“You are pretty good yourself,” Norum grinned.

They engaged again, sword and axe cut through the air as the two tested each other. The minotaur was clearly enjoying himself, Ainz too had a smile on his face. The minotaur was powerful, even stronger than Go Gin, the Martial Lord. Norum swung his axe with the confidence of a master, and his strength allowed him to contend with Ainz.

It would be interesting to fight him without using [Perfect Warrior] though I’d probably lose, Ainz thought as the two fought.

He intentionally prolonged the fight, partially to enjoy it but also to allow any hidden enemies to come out. However, after twenty minutes no one attacked them.

“Why don’t you use your full power? Do you think you have more stamina than me?” Norum asked angrily.

“Ah, so you could tell?” Ainz asked.

“It’s pretty obvious you are holding back. Like right there, you delayed your counter, giving me time to roll away.”

“You really are an expert,” Ainz praised. “But, we might as well finish this.”

He launched a series of attacks. Norum tried to defend, but wasn’t fast enough. Cuts began to appear on the minotaur’s body, though Ainz was careful not to kill him, only going for disabling strikes. A while later, the damage he inflicted was too much and Norum’s axe fell from his hand.

“I surrender,” he declared, collapsing to the ground.

Momon approached the heaving minotaur and kicked the axe away. Nabe approached as well.

“Then, I have some questions I wish to ask you,” Ainz said. “But, let’s move to a better location first,” he added.

He was elated, finally he had captured the ever-elusive minotaur. Soon he would get the answers he sought..

“Too naive” Norum grinned.

“What?” Ainz was startled, that wasn’t the expression a defeated enemy should make.

“What good are my answers to a dead man?” the minotaur broke into a mocking laughter.

Ainz didn’t have time to ponder these words. As soon as the minotaur started laughing, Ainz heard a voice from behind.

“Time to die, hero.”


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7 Comments on “Chapter 3, Part 4

  1. :O Cliffhanger… 😮 😮


    *crawls suffering over floor and dies from desperation*

  2. Ahhh… And yet another cruel and sadistic author has resorted to that ultimate tier ten magic spell used by all authors, the dreaded [Curse of the Cliffhanger].

    However, we readers have already put our plan of revenge into operation…

    We have secretly placed a device underneath your bed with an attached timer that will open a can of overly fermented surstromming right as you are about to fall asleep!

    ~Ol’ Pervy takes a ridiculous looking victory pose as if he were Pandora’s Actor and laughs maniacally in a true Boris Badenov style.~

  3. Honest, so far you nailed every character and movements and the world and what else… it’s freaking me out how similar it comes to the novels… BUT… your Mare sounds like Aura. 100%.

    Mare shrugs carelessly. Complains about people by name openly. The teasing of Zeeshi seemingly over the shoulder before taking another nap?
    That’s all Aura stuff. She’s the one to shrug constantly. Being confident. Mare rather shrinks in on herself and asks questions than lead the conversation… it’s just off to the point i was wondering if that wasn’t Aura in disguise but, nope… it’s boy Mare Oo

    An occasional stutter isn’t enough if the rest doesn’t match up.
    Imagine Cocytus or Demiurge stutter shyly and you see a huge disconnect between what’s said and what’s seen…
    (even if i know Ainz told her to get her voice straight, she often isn’t around nobles and acts more natural, not?)

    My suggestion is to re-read more about her in the Novel.
    The anime gets it right (the few scenes she is in/talking).

    By her/your own admission it’s hard to overcome who she is…
    so genuine, shy, humble, nervous, worried and flustered by Ainz greatness and less… ‘bossy’ 🙂

    # constructive critisism

    • Thanks for the feedback. In retrospect, I should’ve spent more time on the Mare’s part of the story (like his interactions with Zeshi).
      As far as Mare’s attitude goes, if I recall my thinking was that although Mare acts shy etc due to his programming, he’s just as cold blooded as the rest of the Nazarick (he didn’t care about the stuff Demiurge was doing with the captured humans when the clown NPC told him about it, disregarded Hilma as he dragged her to a portal during Re-Estize’s capital invasion, and etc.) With that in mind, what would Mare do if Ainz gave him an order which required Mare to act assertively? I speculate that he’d do just that (especially if Aura isn’t around).
      Though, as I mentioned, I do wish I spent more time on his part of the story, so I could show Mare acting assertive in public, then freaking out as his shyness returns as soon as he’s out of the public eye.

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