Chapter 4, Part 3

Momon and Nabe approached the wall. Just like in Krozno’s siege, Momon stood in front and cut down any arrows sent their way. While Nabe cast [Lightning] at any beastmen brave enough to show themselves. This time though, the group from the Slane Theocracy was only slightly behind them, and the two magic casters were lobbing [Fireball] spells at the ramparts as well.

Once they got close enough to the gates, Momon sprinted forward and jumped. As he flew over the wall he saw a familiar scene – the ground below him was filled with beastmen, as were the nearby streets leading to the gates. However, Momon was prepared. A black space appeared in front of him and he pulled out a spear covered in flames.

[Activate: Spear of Flames] [Flame Javelin] Momon activated the item before hurling the spear at the beastmen directly below him. The explosion and the smoke cover it produced allowed him to land safely. Both swords in hand, Momon began clearing his way to the gates.

Around the same time as he landed, Nabe, Kraus and the other magic caster used [Fly] to scale the walls. But instead of levitating high above the walls and being an easy mark for the beastmen archers, this time they would hover at the level of the wall, using it as cover. Then they would fly up, cast a spell and fly down. This way they were able to rain death from above while making it very difficult for the enemy archers to hit them.

The warriors of the Slane Theocracy had started to scale the wall, and the main army was advancing as well. With the three magic casters helping thin out the ranks of beastmen in front of him, Momon was able to make his way to the gates and open them. The main army arrived shortly and flooded into the city.

The beastmen didn’t retreat though. Like in Krozno, they were obviously under the effects of the rage potion. It didn’t matter though. The morale of the human army couldn’t be higher. This was the last foothold for the beastmen, once the city had been retaken, the beastmen would be driven out of the Draconic Kingdom. Not only that, but the one leading them was the Dark Hero Momon. The humans screamed their battle cries as they charged at the beastmen.

Momon was at the head of the charging army. The magic casters had scattered the enemy archers, and Nabe was flying some five meters above and a little behind Momon. From her vantage point, Ainz looked like an electric chopper, splashing bits of those he cut down everywhere.

The beastmen didn’t retreat, but it was obvious the humans were winning. Like waves rolling onto a beach, they were impossible to stop. There was still a good amount of enemies left, though it was dwindling fast.

“Nabe, get ready!” Ainz yelled.

Nabe focused her attention on her master. This was the signal for the most important part. A black space appeared in front of Ainz. Reaching inside he pulled the Orb of Death out of it, nearly hiding it in the palm of his hand. They had discussed this process in great detail, and the orb wasted no time.

“I can sense one of my kind at two o’clock, about 30 meters,” it quickly informed Ainz.

“Thirty meters!” Ainz bellowed as he extended his sword at the two o’clock position.

It wasn’t a signal just for Nabe, though she did immediately hurl an [Electrosphere] at the mentioned position. It was also a signal for the Hanzos, who were observing the fight from the wall. With the enemy’s position pinpointed, they quickly moved.

Momon used one sword to cut his way to the goat’s position.

“It had begun to move,” the orb informed him when he was less than ten meters away. “It’s retreating at 12 o’clock position,” it added.

Momon charged shoulder first into remaining enemies, pushing them aside and knocking some off of their feet. He reached into the black space and pulled out a blue dagger seemingly made of ice.

“Twenty meters, fifteen, ten, five,” the orb’s voice sounded in his mind as he ran.

[Activate: Frost Pain Modified] [Icy Burst] Momon activated the dagger pointing at the empty space in front.

There was a scream and when the icy cloud settled Ainz saw the Bafolk necromancer doubled over, trying to hold onto the orb in his cold hands. Although he was holding back, Ainz felt a certain amount of satisfaction as he kicked the goat, sending him crashing into a nearby building.

“Nabe, handle him,” Ainz gave an order before he turned around and activated [Icy Burst] again to provide cover for her actions.

Nabe descended to the ground near the groaning Bafolk and grabbed him by the collar. She pulled him inside the building he had crushed into. Inside she let go of the necromancer, who was immediately surrounded by the Hanzos.

[Message: Shalltear] Nabe contacted the vampire.

A minute or so late a portal opened and a few high-level NPCs stepped out of it.

“Take him back with you,” Narberal told them.

They grabbed the goat who was in no position to resist, and stepped back into the portal. This part over, Nabe exited the building and rejoined the battle. A satisfied smile could be seen on her face – at last, the flea who had caused her master so much headache had been caught.


After he handed the Bafolk to Nabe and using Frost Pain’s [Icy Burst] to provide cover, Momon returned to the action. The beastmen were being steadily pushed back, however, there was quite a commotion at the center of the battle. When he got closer Ainz saw Kraus’s group and some beastmen engaged in battle.

There was a savage looking tiger-kin with a short sword in each hand, a lion-kin with a wild mane, wielding a two-handed mace, and another lion-kin with a bastard sword. The minotaur shaman was there as well.

Kraus’s group outnumbered the beastmen, giving them an advantage. However, the beastmen were clearly stronger and were pushing the humans back. Especially the minotaur, whose shockwave spell had just hit one of the humans, sending the man tumbling backward.

Ainz dispatched the beastmen blocking his way and joined the two sides.

“Looks like you could use some help,” he said.

“We really could. That minotaur is quite troublesome,” the man closest to Momon replied.

“I’ll crush you all!” The lion-kin with a wild mane bellowed as he spun his two-handed weapon, aiming at Momon’s chest.

The beastman was used to his superior strength overpowering his opponents. Which is why he was completely shocked when the dark warrior was able to stop his attack with just one sword. His shock was short lived though, as the blade in Momon’s other hand pierced through the beastman’s body.

“Damn! Focus on the others and leave this one to me,” the minotaur bellowed as he rushed toward Momon.

The shaman pointed his mace at the dark warrior and cast [Shockwave] which ripped through the air toward its target. Momon took the spell head on without sustaining any damage. He lunged with a thrust at the approaching minotaur, who used his shield to block it. The shaman cast another spell [Frost Shockwave], snow enveloped Momon, ice patches forming on his armor.

“That’s better,” the minotaur said, as he swung his mace.

Ainz, of course, was unaffected by the cold. Still, he pretended that his reflexes had been slowed, he parried the attack with visible difficulty then launched his own. However, his strike was aimed not at the opponent, but rather at the minotaur’s outstretched arm. Despite pretending that he was under the effect of the ice spell, the counter still came too quickly, the shaman didn’t have enough time to retrieve his arm. He screamed as Momon’s sword cut deeply into flesh.

[Middle Cure Wounds] the minotaur cast a healing spell after retreating a few steps.

After healing the injury, he barely had enough time to block an attack from pursuing Momon. More strikes came, not giving him enough time to counter.

He’s not as strong as the warrior minotaur was, but still good enough to block me, Ainz thought.

He aimed a downward slash at the shaman’s head, forcing his opponent to use the shield block it. With the shield out of the way, Momon lunged with a thrust toward the minotaur’s exposed legs. His sword cut through a calf. The shaman fell to his knees but still used his shield to block.

Momon circled toward the opponent’s shield arm, exploiting his enemies lack of mobility. Unable to turn enough to block the attack, the minotaur had no choice but to roll away. After avoiding Momon’s blade, he once again took up a defensive position while kneeling.

However, Ainz had used the distance created by the shaman to gain some momentum as he sprinted forwards and kicked at the shield. Unable to absorb the force of the kick, the minotaur fell backward, arms outstretched. Before he could get up, Ainz’s sword nailed him to the ground.

Looking around Ainz saw that the other two beastmen were about to fall. After losing one fighter and without the shaman’s support, the two remaining ones were unable to handle Kraus’s group. Attacks coming from every side, the two sustained numerous injuries. A [Fireball] ended the lion-kin’s life. While the tiger-kin launched a desperate assault at Kraus, but was pierced and slashed from the sides, falling without even reaching his target.

“Looks like the city is ours,” Momon said looking at the victorious humans. “Nabe, let’s clean them up!” He bellowed at Narberal who flew toward him at this moment.

“Yes, Momon-san,” she replied.

With their commanders dead, the remaining beastmen could offer no resistance for the Draconic Kingdom’s army led by Momon. It was more of a slaughter than a battle, the city’s streets flowed with blood. Finally, all of the beastmen had been killed, their corpses littered the ground.

Momon and Kraus were discussing the battle when one of the army commanders approached them.

“Momon-sama, it is a tradition of the Draconic Kingdom to have a group of soldiers carry the war heroes on their shields. Would you give us the honor?” He asked, motioning to a nearby group of fighters.

“Certainly,” Momon replied after a brief pause.

He approached the soldiers, and they lifted him up on their shields. Then, they paraded him through the streets of the liberated city, as a crowd of soldiers followed them cheering his name.

“Momon, Momon, Momon,” the cheers thundered through the city.

This feels even worse than riding a giant hamster. Is this really their tradition? Ainz thought as he sat on the shaking shields, trying his best to keep his best not to fall off.

Ainz looked around from his vantage position atop the shields. But no one seemed to be laughing at his awkward position. He saw the Queen and the Minister, standing near a wall, with grim expressions on their faces. For this decisive battle the two had chosen to accompany the army, rather than waiting for the news at Krozno. For a moment Ainz locked eyes with the Queen. A moment later she shook her head with a dejected expression and whispered something to the Minister.

The soldiers carrying him made a turn, and the Queen and her Minister disappeared from Ainz’s view.

What was that all about? He wondered.

He was carried around the city in a circle, allowing all of the combatants a chance to cheer for their leader. After the ceremony was completed, he was let down and the soldiers thanked him profusely.

“Looks like your heroic exploits will be carved in their hearts forever,” the Minister told him after approaching.

“Mm,” Momon made a noise in acknowledgment.

“Both minotaurs slain, we just need to drive the remaining beastmen out of our nation,” the Minister continued.

“Since the threat of a powerful enemy is gone, I think it would be best for us to split up into smaller groups,” Kraus said.

“Yes, there is no longer a need for the army staying together,” Momon nodded.

“You have successfully liberated my kingdom, Momon-sama,” the Queen addressed him, though without attempting to hug him or grab his hand. “Although the liberation efforts aren’t finished, I have no doubt you’ll follow through with your promise. Then, when would you like to receive your reward?”

“I would like to receive it before I attack the remaining beastmen,” Momon said.

“Very well, then tonight I will bestow your reward upon you,” the Queen replied before leaving with her Minister.

“Momon-dono, with this campaign being nearly over, there is something I’d like to discuss with you as well,” Kraus said.

“Oh? What might that be?”

“I think it’s best if we discuss it in private.”

“Lead the way,” Momon motioned.

He followed Kraus through the streets for some time. They finally entered a building which didn’t display too much damage. A number of men from the Slane Theocracy entered the building with them. After quickly inspecting the other rooms and making sure no one else was inside, they all left.

“It’s a rather private topic I wish to discuss,” Kraus smiled. “What do you think of the undead Sorcerer King?”

“Ah, that’s what it is. Despite being one of the undead, he hasn’t harmed the citizens of E-Rantel.”

But, can you guarantee that he won’t attempt to kill them in the future?”

“I cannot,” Momon replied.

“And if he were to attack those humans, what would you?”

“Naturally, I would oppose him.”

“Then, since you can’t guarantee that no such attack will befall the Citizens of E-Rantel. And, you would have no choice but to fight if the Sorcerer King gives into his undead nature. Does it not make more sense to strike first, without waiting for the inevitable to happen?” Kraus asked.

“Is that what the Theocracy is planning?”

“We would be fine if the Sorcerer Kingdom just existed. But their rapid expansion makes it obvious that they won’t settle for just E-Rantel. It’s just a matter of time before the Sorcerer Kingdom comes into conflict with my nation.”

“It would appear that way,” Momon agreed.

“Then, why wait for the inevitable? Taking the initiative offers the best chance of success.”

“And my part in this is…”

“Given your prowess, we would love to have you as an ally. And given your position, you would be a great source of information regarding the Sorcerer King’s underlings.”

“Hmm, you make a good point, Kraus-dono. I am not opposed to destroying the Sorcerer Kingdom. Truth be told, having him hold the fate of so many humans is unnerving. It’s even worse now, that the undead is gone.” Momon said. “However, there are three conditions which you must meet before I cooperate with you,” he poured cold water on Kraus’s excitement.

“And these conditions are?”

“You must guarantee the safety of the citizens of E-Rantel until we destroy the Sorcerer Kingdom.”

“Other than Ainz’s underlings deciding to slaughter them, no harm should come to them due to our activity.”

“You must have a plan for how to deal with Jaldabaoth when the demon revives.”

“I understand.”

“And you must have a reasonable chance of defeating the Sorcerer Kingdom. I am not throwing my life away on a futile attempt.”

“Of course. But, we would need to know at least the rough power of the undead’s servants in order to know if our own forces have a reasonable chance of winning,” Kraus said tactfully.

“I won’t go into details just yet. But, I can fight monsters which adventurers would rate at over 200. Then as a ballpark, Albedo is evenly matched with me, Mare is around 150, Aura is at 120. The dragon which the elves had flown on to the Baharuth Empire is around 100. Demiurge is at 100, Shalltear is at 50.” Momon said. “You are obviously aware of the hundreds of the undead and others who had come to serve the undead King.,” he added.

“And what about Ainz and Jaldabaoth?”

“Since he is a pure magic caster, I cannot measure the Sorcerer King’s strength. As you know, Jaldabaoth’s power scales the more time he spends in this world. When I fought him, he was slightly weaker than me. I am not sure how strong he was at the end, but Ainz thought I would be no match for the demon,” Momon shrugged.

“Thank you for the information, Momon-dono. We would like more details, but I think this is a great step to begin our cooperation. Then, we shall speak again, once the Theocracy is able to fulfill your conditions,” Kraus said enthusiastically.

“You should hurry up, Ainz will revive in a little over two years. Once that happens, it will be impossible to destroy the Sorcerer Kingdom.”

With that piece of advice Momon left. He was in a great mood. The Theocracy had finally made they move, better yet, in the evening he would have an audience with the Queen and would finally learn about wild magic.


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12 Comments on “Chapter 4, Part 3

    • ~Ol’ Pervy goes into a four and a half hour rant about the utter unfairness of the world after finding out that Frank has beat him to the first post of this chapter!~

      Oh… Hi, Frank! Nice to see you!

      ~While Frank is not looking, Ol’ Pervy continues to construct his childish pitfall trap, hoping to catch poor Frank inside it and thus remove him from Pervy’s silly and immature competition for the title of “First Poster”.~

  1. Well the chapter was okay but i felt it was somewhat rushed. Its just my opinion though so don’t mind it much. I just felt its pacing was too fast.The discussions between momon and theocracy went too fast and the bafolk also got captured a bit too fast that it was anticlimatic. That said u still did a good job. Keep it up.

    • Thank you for the feedback, A random passerby. Yes, reading it again, I can see how some inner dialog from Ainz would enhance his conversation with Kraus. As it is, the dialog is pretty dry with little emotion from either side, just information being exchanged.
      Part of the problem here is that since I had to change the storyline to get rid of the OC I planned to introduce, I’ve lost the buffer updates I had written. So, now I am releasing updates shortly after writing them, so there isn’t as much time to reflect on the story and amend it. Which is one of the reasons the last two parts might feel a bit lacking compared to earlier updates. Anyway, just another issue I need to resolve as I try to improve my writing. 🙂

      • Today’s ridiculous lesson in writing fiction.

        There are many ways to write the same sentence, each of which can give the reader’s mind a subtle difference in either interpretation or emotional impact.

        As an example, let’s take this sentence: Chuck is an extremely disgusting pervert.

        And now let’s rewrite it in three different ways…

        Chuck is a pervert and is extremely disgusting.

        This version emphasizes that Chuck is not only a pervert but is also very disgusting as a person whereas the initial version gave the majority of the adjective’s emphasis towards the “pervert” aspect.

        Chuck is a pervert, and is extremely disgusting.

        The addition of the comma in this version, while not acceptable in a non-fiction work when using the conjunctive “and” between two phrases, is used here to give the reader’s mind a “natural pause” between the two phrases, thus giving a bit more emphasis to the secondary phrase within a reader’s mind.

        Chuck is a pervert. An extremely disgusting pervert.

        Breaking this up into two sentences gives the secondary phrase even more of an emotional impact than the second variation of the original sentence. (And is much more likely to get poor Chuck lynched by the parents of the teenaged girls that Chuck has been peeping at through that convenient hole in the wall in the girl’s school gym locker room.)

        This ends today’s grammar lesson. Class dismissed.

        • Thank you for your many lessons, Lord Baelish. I will never forge… wait, wrong story!
          Seriously though, I appreciate your effort 🙂

          • AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

            And now I know why you have been calling me “Little Finger.” And I had thought that it was just because you saw me naked in the school gym locker room!

            In all seriousness, that was just my way of saying that a writer should consider carefully how he constructs his sentences in order to create not only the OBJECTIVE information that he wants to get across to the reader, but also to get across the SUBJECTIVE or EMOTIONAL impressions that an author wishes to give to the readers of his story.

            I did not have any specific passages of your finely written tale in mind, it was simply a general hint for improving your writing skills as you had mentioned you were always working on, a very commendable attitude on your part, in my opinion.

          • I am ashamed to admit I did not see the Little Finger joke coming when I made the comment. Shame, shame, *sounds of a bell ringing,* shame.

  2. I don’t care if a joke is at my own expense or not. When I see such an obvious opening, I am (dis)honor bound to take advantage of it!

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