Chapter 1, Part 3

Liel sat on the very edge of the chair, despite her new clothing, she felt the furniture surrounding her was too expensive for someone like her to sit on. If it wasn’t for Berta getting annoyed at the looming elf, and telling her to sit, she wouldn’t have sat on this chair at all.

“They are coming, Berta-sama” a guard walked inside and informed them.

“Come,” Berta motioned to the elf.

They exited the building and stood out front, waiting for a procession some hundred yards away. Liel used this chance to get a better grasp of her surroundings. Perhaps it was because of that, she didn’t pay much attention to the arriving group until they almost reached them. She looked at the arriving group and was stunned.

There were over a dozen undead riders. However, instead of going on a rampage they rode in an orderly manner, escorting a lone carriage, which was pulled by monstrous-looking horses. Liel gulped.

Just what is going on here? Undead riding next to humans, am I seeing things? She cast a glance at the woman near her, she was tense but did not show signs of fear.

The group arrived in front of them, and the escorting riders formed two lines, leading from the carriage to the building. Humans on one side, undead on the other. The carriage door opened, and an old man wearing a luxurious robe stepped down.

“Ah, we are finally here,” he said, as he stretched his aged body.
“Welcome, Dominic-sama,” Berta greeted him, and then everyone bowed.
He must be the guest I am meant to serve, but he seems to old to enjoy such things, Liel thought as she stole a peak while bowing. Her thoughts were interrupted when a young dark elf girl came out of the carriage.

At first, Liel thought that the elf girl was another unfortunate soul, being used as a plaything by the old man. But that thought immediately vanished as her eyes were drawn to the gloves the elf wore. The white, slender like a hand of a maiden filled Liel with tranquility and the black one… Just like one would pull their hand back without thinking after grabbing a hot pot by accident, she quickly averted her eyes from the black glove, as she felt her very soul shudder.

Looking around, she saw that she wasn’t alone. The labored breathing of the woman next to her and the terrified looks on the other humans told her everything. In fact, the only one who wasn’t terrified was the old man who came out first. However, Liel quickly understood why – just like she, the man avoided looking at the black glove.

“Mare-dono, in consideration of your race, we have prepared an elf servant for you. I hope it will make your stay in the Slane Theocracy more pleasant,” Dominic said.

“Thank, thank you, Dominic-dono,” Mare replied in his panicky voice and stepped forward. “Then, I will, will be in your care,” he continued.

Liel was dumbfounded by the stark contrasts she had just witnessed. The dark elf was exceedingly young, just a child really, then the glove she wore had sent everyone into terror. This feeling was then broken by her panicky voice, which was incongruent with the previous terror they all felt. But then she heard the man respectfully address the elf and even said that Liel would be the elf’s servant.

This rollercoaster was too much to process. As Liel stood there with a dumb look on her face, Berta coughed loudly. This snapped the elven slave back to reality and made her look at the dark elf again. She was about to bow but was stunned once again.

Heteromorphic eyes? Who is this girl?

It didn’t matter though, having seen the elf king that one time when they were briefed on their mission, she knew what it meant.

“I will serve you till my last breath, your Highness,” Liel proclaimed as she dropped to her knees and kowtowed.

As she did so a fleeting smile appeared on Dominic’s face.
“Then Mare-dono, I will leave you in the care of this Liel. I hope you will take your time to enjoy the capital of our nation. We will arrange for a meeting with all of the Cardinals in two days,” Dominic said.

“Tha.. Thank you, Dominic-dono,” the elf replied.

“Oh, also, we’ve already discussed this, but I want to remind you not to bring your undead guards with you when you take a stroll through the city. I understand this poses a security concern to you, but I can assure you that no harm will come to you inside this city’s walls. On the other hand, your guards would cause quite a panic.”

“Of course, I, I trust you wouldn’t allow any harm to, to an envoy of the Sorcerer Kingdom,” Mare replied to the man.

With a nod, the Cardinal of Wind walked away, along with several guards.

“Then we will take our leave as well,” said Kegor Bosk, who had acted as the head of the escorting guards. “We will be in the building across from this one, should you need anything, Mare-dono.”

“Thank you,” Mare said in his panicky voice.

All of the human guards walked across the street, including Berta who joined her captain, leaving the two elves and the undead.

“I trust it you can, can arrange the security of this building?” Mare asked one of the Death Cavaliers, and when it affirmed, Mare and Liel went inside the house.

Once inside, Mare sighed loudly, and slumped onto a couch. “That was exhausting,” he complained.
“Is there anything I can do for you, your Highness?” Liel asked.
“Highness? Mm, call me Mare”
“As you wish, Mare-sama. Then, is there anything I can do for you?”
“I just wish to relax,” Mare said. But then he thought of his mission, he shook his head, trying to wave his tiredness away, before continuing. “Actually, why don’t you tell me more about the Slane Theocracy and the Elf Kingdom?”

Liel bowed and began to tell the story of the two nations.


After he left, Dominic Ihre Partouche made his way to the nearby Cathedral of Light. He went through the public part of the cathedral and continued to the main room of the administrative wing. There a guard opened a door for him, and Dominic descended the stairs to arrive at the catacombs of the Kami Miyako. After walking for a while and passing through numerous checkpoints he finally made it to his destination – the room he entered housed all of the top brass of the nation.

It wasn’t the room with the statues of the Six Great Gods though. Despite the required manual cleaning of the room prior to conducting a meeting feeling like torture, they couldn’t bring themselves to abandon such a tradition. However, when someone suggested meeting in a nearby room, their agreement was unanimous.

Dominic greeted those in the room and took his seat at the table.

“Well, what do you have for us? Were you able to learn anything about the Sorcerer Kingdom?” The Pontifex Maximus got straight to the point.

“I’ve learned many things. However, this elf girl is too much more crafty than she lets on. I had agreed to give her an audience with all six of the Cardinals two days from now,” Dominic said.

“She managed to talk you into that?” Ginedine asked.

“I had to give her something in exchange for all the information she provided, no?”
“Our plan seems to be going well, so far. But I wanted all of you to be on alert when interacting with this girl. She is extremely good at seizing opportunities, and also seems to be well informed about our nation, too well even.” After he gave this warning, Dominic proceeded to tell the others of what he had learned during his journey with the elf.


Mare spent the next two days sightseeing and trying to learn more about the Slane Theocracy’s culture and customs. Liel had accompanied him at all times, but for her, this was a unique experience in more ways than one.

Being able to freely walk around the capital of the Theocracy as an elf was one. But seeing how the envoy conducted herself was equally astonishing. The dark elf girl showed neither fear nor hatred toward humans and walked around with an air of authority. Mare did complain about the looks she was getting from the passing humans, well, before they caught eyes of the black gauntlet anyway.

She explained that humans hated elves, and so the looks of disdain were inevitable. The response she got surprised her.
“Well, it’s OK to look at elves like you with disdain, after all, you are weak,” the dark elf explained, “but I am an envoy of the Sorcerer Kingdom, by disrespecting me they disrespect the one I serve, and no one can disrespect the Supreme One.”

Liel had thought about it since she heard it. Was the young elf too naive? No, it was because she was used to her power, to being at the top, where no one dared to disrespect her. Perhaps only the king of the Elf Kingdom had a similar attitude, though his was one of indifference, be it to his nation or his people. The young elf however clearly cared about the image of her master. Liel pondered as she followed her mistress home.

And then there was the elf’s master. In two days she had learned a bit about the envoy. She came from a newly created nation called the Sorcerer Kingdom, which was ruled by an undead magic caster. Liel was shocked at this, everyone knew the undead hated the living, how could one possibly rule over them? Then again, the undead riders guarding their house did not behave in a usual manner either.

She asked about this Sorcerer King and was regaled with tales about a being of incomparable greatness. Despite being undead, he was as caring as he was powerful. His unmatched intellect put him above all. Yet this God-like being did not wish to unleash destruction upon the world but rather he wanted to use his power to protect his servants and to create a world where all races could coexist peacefully.

Liel couldn’t help to compare this mythical being to the king of the elves. Although the king was powerful, he displayed none of the characteristics the dark elf girl lavished at her master.

While she wondered how good it would feel to serve a caring king like that, the two returned to their home.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Mare-sama?” She asked once they were inside the house.
“N.. no,” the elf replied in her adorable, panicky voice. “The audience with the, the Cardinals will be soon. I should just rest”

She acknowledged, and sat nearby, in case the dark elf

would need anything. About an hour later there was a knock on the door, and when she opened she saw a man whom she saw during the envoy’s arrival.

“I am here to escort Mare-dono to the audience with the Cardinals,” he said.

She nodded and went to wake up her mistress. Despite the girl’s refusals, Liel insisted on helping the young girl with her clothes. She didn’t pay any attention to the girl mumbling: “annoying, so annoying, just like those three,” and instead continued to straighten her clothing, making sure she looked perfect.

Finally, Mare was done with his clothing and walked to the door, he remembered that the name of the man was Kegor Bosk, the one who led the escort party of the humans while they traveled to the capital.

“I, I am ready,” Mare said, and walked outside, ready to go to his audience.

“I must insist that you accompany us as well,” the man said addressing the slave girl, “what if Mare-dono needs anything?”

Liel was shocked by this request. Would I be present during the audience with the Cardinals? Pushing this thought aside, she quickly joined the two, and the three of them made way to the Cathedral of Light.

Her thoughts did not come true though. Also, she too was allowed inside the administrative wing of the Cathedral, she was told to wait outside, while Mare entered the room where the Cardinals awaited.

The guards’ quarters near the room where Mare’s audience takes place

She looked at the young man with long black hair.
“What got everyone so spooked?” She asked.
“You really should read the reports you are sent,” the man admonished.

“It’s too boring, it’s easier to ask someone who knows,” she shrugged her shoulders indifferently.
“An envoy of the Sorcerer Kingdom had arrived, she’s currently having an audience with the Cardinals. The envoy is a dark elf girl,” he added after not seeing much of a reaction.
“An envoy from that undead magic caster? Is she strong?”

That, that’s her problem, she only cares about how strong someone is, the captain of the Black Scripture thought.

“We don’t know, but the gauntlet she wears sure makes you scared. I almost peed myself while looking at it,” one of the nearby men said.
“The undead riders who accompanied her seem very strong too,” someone added.

Why are they doing this? The captain wondered. As members of the Windflower Scripture, they should be well aware of Zesshi Zetsumei’s character. Could it be? Are they afraid, and are secretly hoping that Zesshi is stronger than this envoy and her guards?

He saw Zesshi looking at him questioningly. Damn these guys.
“It’s true she has an interesting gauntlet. But according to Dominic-sama, supposedly it’s strictly decorative, not a powerful item.”
“Hmm, sounds interesting, I should go take a look.”
“Zesshi, no! You are not to leave this place in case the Cardinals need our help.”
“I’ll just take a sneak peek. Besides, wouldn’t I be even closer to the Cardinals if I go? If they need help, I will be right there. It will be fine,” she patted him on the back, as she walked away.

He stared at the members of the Windflower Scripture who caused this scene, who in turn looked away. Then he got up, shaking his head, and walked after Zesshi. Even if he couldn’t stop her from going, it would be much better if he went with her.


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11 Comments on “Chapter 1, Part 3

  1. Mare is so cute 😀
    As a level 100 Magic -Caster his stats of Intelligence, must be very high, so he may be able to outsmart all this Cardinals 😀
    At this state I would like to see some good sides of the Theocracy. Most FF-writers tend to make them the “great evil” and its a simple matter given the religious fanatism and the hate against non-humans they openly show.
    On the other Hand Nazaricks Citizens are equally fanatic in serving their Supreme One and most of them think of Humans as trash or Insects. And we know they have their good sides 😉

    I totally love Mares remark about Liel beeing weak and deserving the humiliating looks of the people because it shows his real mindset.
    He looks so sweet an innocent but he is also a murderous amoralic creatur and a Veteran of many battles :3
    A very well done Chapter!

  2. Mare’s remark also harkens back to Ainz’s statement in original volume 12: “the strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must.”

    • Yeah, i see. This is obvious 😉

      Mare is so powerfull that he is able to destroy the whole Capital of the Theocracy by his Own. With his Earthquake and other Magics.

      Maybe Zeshi is able to put on a fight with him. In canon we dont really know much about her true strengh.
      I’m so curious where you will lead the Story 🙂

  3. Thanks.Reading overlord always brightens my day and u sir are doing a good service to me and everyone. I would like to see where this goes. Hope there is some contest between mare and zesshi.

  4. Today’s Proofing Lesson:

    Peak: Noun, the top of an object as in “The climber reached the peak of the mountain.” Also, the acme of an attribute, as in “The warrior had gone through such rigorous training that he had finally reached the peak of his fighting ability.”

    Peek: noun, a quick or brief glance at something, such as in, “The senile old pervert took a quick peek at the bare breasts of the women in the hot springs through the small hole in the fence that separated the men’s and the women’s sides.” Also used as a verb, as in, “The senile old pervert was caught peeking at the naked women in the public baths and was beaten to within an inch of his depraved life by a group of indignant ladies who were all wielding trusty baseball bats given to them by the filthy-minded man’s angry sister.”

      • Homonyms, words that sound alike but may be spelled differently and have different meanings,are the bane of all writers. Such as, “Ol’ Pervy went up TO the fence and saw TWO breasts on the other side that were just TOO large and magnificent to belong TO the wrinkled old lady that stood on the other side of the fence in the public bath house.”

        Or maybe, “And THERE, on the other side of the fence, were many beautiful and naked women and THEIR boobs were bouncing in such an eye-pleasing manner that all of the men peeking at them had the same thought: THEY’RE magnificent!”

      • Well, I do try to use examples that will cement the meaning into one’s mind.

        And homonyms, words that sound alike, but may be spelled differently and have different meanings, are the bane of all writers.

    • LOL if you wanna show good examples then make em less distracting XD I had to read over like 5 times cuz of the distractions man :c

      • I suppose that naked women CAN be quite distracting, my friend. But it is such a WONDERFUL distraction!

    • There are alout of plot sink holes and story enders and dry spider webs canon story telling even fan made can destory a good book

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