Chapter 1, Part 2

Darin Ilan Viloem felt conflicted as he rode in a carriage. He was happy to have left the Draconic Kingdom, with all its dangers. But going to a place where legendary undead were as common as mushrooms in a forest wasn’t much better. Granted, the rumors said the undead didn’t attack humans. But rumors were just rumors, he was the one putting his life on the line, not the gossipers who spread them.

Darin sighed. As a diplomat, it was his duty to his nation. Then again, more than half of it was already consumed by the beastmen, and the only reason the queen herself hasn’t been eaten was because the beastmen had stopped their advance. Was it because they already captured enough humans to hold their terrible feasts every day? Some other reason?

No one knew the answer to this mystery. One thing was certain though, if the beastman army was led by the minotaur warrior, no one would be able to stop them. The utter defeat that he had dealt to Crystal Tear proved this fact beyond a doubt.

“Darin-sama, we’ll be arriving soon,” one of the guards called out to him.
Darin stuck his head out of the carriage’s window and tried to look ahead.

He had been to E-Rantel several times and was familiar with the way it looked. However, what came into his vision was not the familiar city with its three rings of walls. Actually, the walls were still there, but what drew his attention was something else.

“Are those statues of the Sorcerer King? Wait, are those giants?!” The guards must’ve had a laugh at his shocked face, but it couldn’t be helped. However, as they came closer to the city, he was equally struck by the quality and detail of the huge statues which stood beside the gates, as he was by the presence of giants, who were apparently cleaning the statues.

Their visit was expected, and the city guards led them through the gates, before bringing their group to what looked like an entrance to a side tower.

“You’ll have to go through a quick workshop which will explain the differences between this and normal cities,” The city guard explained. “Please, don’t be alarmed, and do not draw your weapons!” The guard stressed. After saying this he knocked on the door, which opened and revealed an undead being.

Everyone gulped. Sure they have seen these monsters guarding the walls. But to stand so close to one, the oppressive aura of brutality the being radiated left them stunned. After staring at them for a few moments, the monster moved aside.

They were led inside, where a naga held the so-called workshop, explaining the uniqueness of E-Rantel. They were also informed that an audience with the ruler of the Sorcerer Kingdom will be held in two hours. Afterward, they went to the Shining Golden Pavilion inn, to relax after the journey.

At the set time, Darin and several guards came to the luxurious looking house for their audience. After they knocked on the door a gorgeous maid came out to greet them. She was the most stunning woman Darin had ever seen.
“Please come inside and wait here, while I inform Albedo-sama of your arrival,” the maid said to the bewitched men.

After the maid left and his head cleared out, Darin looked around. It was a waiting room, with comfortable chairs placed along the walls. As he looked around, he noticed that someone else was there – a powerful looking warrior. The armor he wore was of very high quality, it felt like it radiated power, and Darin could see a number of signs inscribed on it.

“Pardon me, but you must be Momon-san?” Darin asked after guessing the man’s identity.
“You flatter me,” the warrior replied, “I could never compare to Momon-sama. My name is Moknak, a leader of the orichalcum group Rainbow,” he continued.

“Oh, I apologize, I was misled by that amazing armor of yours, it must be a family heirloom,” Darin explained himself.

“So, that’s what it was. You are right, normally only an adamantite adventurer be able to have such strong equipment. However, things are different in the Sorcerer Kingdom.”

Darin wanted to ask how were things different, but before he could the maid returned and said that his audience would start now. He nodded to the warrior and followed the maid.

He was led to another room, and when he entered he saw two figures standing at the other end. One was a warrior, clad in black armor, wearing a red cape, the hilts of two swords visible above his shoulders. The other was a woman even more gorgeous than the maid. Dressed in a white dress, black wings protruded from her waist and two horns protruded from her head.

“I am Darin Ilan Viloem, an envoy of the Draconic Kingdom,” he introduced himself, unable to restrain his body from shivering. Both figures radiated power that far surpassed the undead monster they met earlier.

“I am Momon, leader of the adamantite group Darkness and an enforcer for the Sorcerer King. And she is Albedo-sama, the temporary leader of the Sorcerer Kingdom”

Temporary leader? What about the Sorcerer King? Darin thought as he cleared his throat to buy time.

“The reason for my visit is to request aid for the Draconic Kingdom. As you might know, the unprecedented attack by the beastmen over the last two years had resulted in the loss of half of our nation. We have heard that the Sorcerer King had lent his aid to the Holy Kingdom. We would like to ask him to do the same, in our hour of need.”

“Is the adamantite group of the Draconic Kingdom unable to hold back some beastmen?” Asked the woman, a hint of mockery in her voice.

“They led a successful counterattack, for a time. However, they, they suffered losses against a powerful minotaur and are no longer able to defend the nation.” Darin sighed, telling them of Crystal Tear’s demise right after asking them to send help was bad.

“Then, since the adamantite ranked adventurers are not enough, what kind of help do you expect from us?” Albedo asked.

“That, I heard the Holy Kingdom was besieged by a powerful demon, I am not sure how the minotaur compares, but a similar type of help as was sent to the Holy Kingdom, perhaps?” Darin tried to find the right answer.

“That is impossible. The Sorcerer King himself was the one to help the Holy Kingdom in their fight. He can’t fight for your nation as he is currently dead,” Albedo said.

“Cu.. Currently dead?” Darin stumbled on his words. Would they even provide help if their king is dead? And what’s with that “currently”?

“It’s not something you should concern yourself with. As per his Majesty’s orders, I will go to the Draconic Kingdom,” Momon spoke, his words bringing Darin back to reality.

The winged woman gave the warrior a strange look before she spoke.
“Normally, I would not allow Momon to leave, given our circumstances. But his Majesty’s orders are absolute.”

“As I mentioned, Moknak will temporarily act in my position,” Momon told Albedo.

“Still, there is the matter of a compensation for our efforts,” Albedo continued.

“We will try to meet your demands. May I ask what kind of compensation you expect?” Darin said.

“It’s not something you can agree to, given your rank. Momon will have to discuss it with your Queen instead,” Albedo explained.

“Then we will leave tomorrow morning. Also, Darin-dono, I would like you to tell me more about this minotaur who defeated Crystal Tear. I will stop by the Shining Gold Pavilion later today, once I am done here,” Momon said.

“Thank you for aiding my nation,” Darin bowed to the two.

He left and went back to the waiting room. When he saw the warrior waiting in there, he remembered their conversation and wanted to ask him about the armor, but the maid told Moknak to go in for his audience.

Ainz’s office in Nazarick

Ainz sat behind a desk, while Albedo stood in front of him. A maid, Foss, stood attentively in a corner.

“Is it wise, Ainz-sama? An unknown enemy of an unknown power, you should not put yourself at risk like that,” Albedo said.

“Darin had little information regarding this minotaur, the only thing we know is his power is beyond the adamantite rank. There is a possibility he’s a God-kin of the minotaur Sage. He might also be a player or an NPC. The God-kin possibility is the most likely one,” Ainz explained.

“As for danger, I want you to temporarily transfer your leadership of the “Supreme Being Search Group,” to Shalltear. Except for Rubedo and Pandora’s Actor who should stay in Nazarick. Shalltear will be on standby, ready to open [Gate] to my location and fight against a player. Also, I feel like the Theocracy is scheming something, so Mare might need her help as well,” Ainz continued.

“Understood,” Albedo acknowledged. “By the way, what do you think of the beastmen’s sudden stop? Shouldn’t they have continued with their advance after crushing the only obstacle in their way?”

Ainz stroke his chin as he considered the question. It was something he thought about ever since he learned this information.

“I would say they are waiting for something. Mm, yes, if it was me, I would use this scenario as a trap.”

“Doesn’t that mean it’s even more dangerous for you to go? Even with Shalltear ready to rescue you?”

“I will take half a dozen Hanzos with me, that should be adequate to last until Shalltear opens [Gate.]”

Besides, I will go insane if I have to stay in this place any longer, with nothing to do. Ainz thought as he dismissed Albedo’s protests.

The next day the envoy of the Draconic Kingdom and his guards, as well as Momon and Nabe departed the Sorcerer Kingdom.

The Draconic Kingdom

Several figures were in the room, all of them were older than middle-aged. This wasn’t a retirement home though, but the former Black Scripture members, sent to aid the Draconic Kingdom. One of them was explaining something, while the others listened.

“The situation with the beastmen is rather unclear, in the worst case scenario we might have to abandon this nation,” said an old, bald man with hunched shoulders. “If that happens, our priority is to save the Queen.”

“Our second, and main goal here is to make contact with Momon, assess his strength, and gain a better understanding of his position regarding the undead king.”

“What about driving back the beastmen?” Asked someone among the group.

“I don’t want to needlessly lose people fighting those minotaurs, not when our strength is most needed by Theocracy. We’ll let Momon take the lead here. If he’s able to drive the beastmen back – great. If not, our priorities remain as outlined,” the old man explained.

An office room of the Draconic Kingdom’s capital’s palace

“I am relieved that they’ve actually sent Momon to our aid, despite what happened in the Holy Kingdom.”

“Still, how much could he actually do? Is he really so much more powerful than Cerabrate?” The Queen asked.

“According to the rumors, yes,” replied her Minister.
“And if he fails too, then what? Not to mention, wouldn’t it be a huge issue if he dies?”
“We don’t really have much choice, do we? Theocracy won’t send Black Scripture to help us, the ones already here don’t even want to try to stop those minotaurs. Other than Theocracy, our only choice is the Sorcerer Kingdom. But do you really want a legion of undead to march through our cities?” The Minister asked.

“That would be bad. Our citizens are already demoralized, if they see undead marching through the streets, they might lose what little confidence they have in me still,” the Queen mused.

“That makes Momon and his Darkness our best option. Of course, we’ll have to compensate them for this aid. Darin mentioned they have expectations of us, but he wasn’t told more.”

“And what can we offer them in our current state? Could they want us to become a vassal of theirs?”

“That seems to be the trend,” the Minister said with a chuckle. “Actually, that might be our best chance of survival, but would out citizens accept such a thing?”

Who would willingly ask to be ruled by an undead? The Queen thought.

“Still, the undead king is dead,” she laughed at the unintended pan of that sentence. “Could it be that his subordinates have different goals? The remuneration they desire may not be a submission to their kingdom.”

“Who can say? We’ll have to wait and see what demands Momon proposes,” replied the Minister.


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12 Comments on “Chapter 1, Part 2

  1. Aaaah finally the ambassador arrives and is also all “wtf!” and “Waaaaat?” – I like this Part every Time x3

    It sounds like the Theocrathy will go to action soon.
    Im curious about theit meeting with Momon. I think Satoru will have a hart time talking with others about himself x3

    More plz :3

    • I am glad you are enjoying it. Hopefully, I can deliver a constant stream of exciting events throughout the whole volume.

  2. This is amazing. Thank you so much for writing this! I absolutely love this!! Please don’t stop writing.

  3. The FanFiction website has some sort of automatic censoring program that disables any links to any sites that are not part of the site. It is quite annoying.

  4. That’s what I figured. Strangely enough, my Facebook and Twitter pages seem to work (or they did at least.) And I am happy to see you here PervySage 🙂 I hope you are enjoying the story.

  5. Thank you for continuing with this story, be very interested after having read the vol 12 before the original came out, I will be following the chapters

    • Did you finish my Volume 12? If you read it before the official Volumes 12-13 came out then you haven’t read the last 2 parts of my volume 12 (which I added this Summer, when I got back into writing)
      Just making sure, since the last 2 parts set up the Theocracy’s action in volume 13. And thank you for reading 🙂

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